
Our Motivation

Hope for Silent Sufferers was necessary and needed as I have been through a lot and needed a community. New York is filled with so many people, yet I have experienced deep loneliness and sadness here. For years I owned and operated a restaurant in Queens, New York. I had the appearance of success, but I was waking every morning shaking because I knew that I had to look which bill caused each day bank overdraft. I owed everyone and I was embarrassed. But what was killing me even more was I had no one who I could talk to. My mom who worked with me in the restaurant blamed herself for encouraging me to purchase the restaurant. My mother became so depressed she started moving slowly and was very pessimistic. Mom ended up in a mental facility. Fortunately, I was able to overcome those challenges and mom was released after two weeks and she went back to her positive, happy and energetic self. Because of my struggles along with my mother’s I recognized that people were suffering silently. I tried to hide what was really going on and maybe you are doing the same but from experience I have learned we can’t handle it on our own.

This is a tragedy. If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, loneliness etc you need to know that you are not defined by what you struggle with. You are defined by God’s love for you. He sees you as valuable and worth dying for. You also need to know that there is help. Talk to someone you trust today or contact us now and let us get you the help you need. Even though you may feel and think that you are broken, and beyond repair, you must know that there is hope.